Monday, January 12, 2009


Here are some great pictures of Jace at his best. He loves Jello and pickles right now. If you open the fridge he will grab one of the two before you can catch him.

Saying "Cheese" while enjoying some oreos and milk after dinner!

He has unrolled the toilet paper many times. It has become one of his favorite little tricks. So now we have to shut all the doors to keep him out of trouble.

I am not a very good blogger!

I am sure you can all tell that I am not very good at the blogging thing. I just have too many other things to do. So here is a quick recap of December. Please see Shelli's blog for the Webb Christmas party and Garret's b-day pictures. Whenever she is around I don't take very many pictures because the pictures she takes always turn out much better.

We had a great time with Garret's family in SLC. It was so much fun to be with them for the holidays. Jay and Josie give us the fun weekend in SLC for Christmas. It is a fun tradition that we look forward to every year. They also spoiled us with a gorgeous temple picture. Thanks for everything. We love you!

Garret turned the big "26" on December 21. We celebrated with two big parties. One on Saturday with his family and one on sunday with my family. It is also my brother Ty's birthday on December 22nd. So we had a joint party for them. It was fun to finally have a house big enough for everyone to come over.

On Christmas day we slept in until 8:30. It was so nice to get some much needed rest. Garret was so lucky this year and was able to have Christmas off. I was pretty excited and so was he. When Jace woke up we took him downstairs to see his presents from Santa.

Santa had brought him some of the cars from the movie "Cars". They were just sitting among his presents. He liked them so much that we had a hard time convincing him to open his other presents. I ended up unwrapping more than half of his gifts.

After opening our presents we headed over to my parents for breakfast and of course more presents. My dad made each 0f his kids a really cute shelf. They also gave us two big totes of food storage, plastic bags, etc. We were pretty excited to get some much needed supplies. It makes our food storage look very nice.

Jace received so many fun presents from his grandparents this year. He got a cute bear that he can sit on, church outfit, and toys from Grandpa Jay and Grandma Josie. And from my parents he got a wagon, a rocking chair, P.J.'s and toys. My mom even made him a tool belt to go with his new tools. Thanks heavens they are only plastic or we would have many holes in all our walls.